Source code for tfrddlsim.simulation.policy_simulator

# This file is part of tf-rddlsim.

# tf-rddlsim is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# tf-rddlsim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with tf-rddlsim. If not, see <>.

from typing import Iterable, Sequence, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

import rddl2tf
from rddl2tf.compilers import Compiler
from rddl2tf.core.fluent import TensorFluent
from tfrddlsim.policy import Policy

Shape = Sequence[int]
FluentPair = Tuple[str, TensorFluent]

NonFluentsTensor = Sequence[tf.Tensor]
StateTensor = Sequence[tf.Tensor]
StatesTensor = Sequence[tf.Tensor]
ActionsTensor = Sequence[tf.Tensor]
IntermsTensor = Sequence[tf.Tensor]

NonFluentsArray = Sequence[np.array]
StateArray = Sequence[np.array]
StatesArray = Sequence[np.array]
ActionsArray = Sequence[np.array]
IntermsArray = Sequence[np.array]

CellOutput = Tuple[StatesTensor, ActionsTensor, IntermsTensor, tf.Tensor]
CellState = Sequence[tf.Tensor]

TrajectoryOutput = Tuple[StateTensor, StatesTensor, ActionsTensor, IntermsTensor, tf.Tensor]
SimulationOutput = Tuple[NonFluentsArray, StateArray, StatesArray, ActionsArray, IntermsArray, np.array]

[docs]class PolicySimulationCell(tf.nn.rnn_cell.RNNCell): '''SimulationCell implements a 1-step MDP transition cell. It extends`tf.nn.rnn_cell.RNNCell` for simulating an MDP transition for a given policy. The cell input is the timestep. The hidden state is the factored MDP state. The cell output is the tuple of MDP fluents (next-state, action, interm, rewards). Note: All fluents are represented in factored form as Tuple[tf.Tensors]. Args: compiler (:obj:`rddl2tf.compiler.Compiler`): RDDL2TensorFlow compiler. policy (:obj:`tfrddlsim.policy.Policy`): MDP Policy. batch_size (int): The size of the simulation batch. ''' def __init__(self, compiler: Compiler, policy: Policy) -> None: self._compiler = compiler self._policy = policy self._batch_size = compiler.batch_size @property def graph(self) -> tf.Graph: '''Returns the computation graph.''' return self._compiler.graph @property def state_size(self) -> Sequence[Shape]: '''Returns the MDP state size.''' return self._sizes(self._compiler.rddl.state_size) @property def action_size(self) -> Sequence[Shape]: '''Returns the MDP action size.''' return self._sizes(self._compiler.rddl.action_size) @property def interm_size(self) -> Sequence[Shape]: '''Returns the MDP intermediate state size.''' return self._sizes(self._compiler.rddl.interm_size) @property def output_size(self) -> Tuple[Sequence[Shape], Sequence[Shape], Sequence[Shape], int]: '''Returns the simulation cell output size.''' return (self.state_size, self.action_size, self.interm_size, 1)
[docs] def initial_state(self) -> StateTensor: '''Returns the initial state tensor.''' s0 = [] for fluent in self._compiler.initial_state(): s0.append(self._output_size(fluent)) s0 = tuple(s0) return s0
[docs] def __call__(self, input: tf.Tensor, state: Sequence[tf.Tensor], scope: Optional[str] = None) -> Tuple[CellOutput, CellState]: '''Returns the simulation cell for the given `input` and `state`. The cell returns states, actions and interms as a sequence of tensors (i.e., all representations are factored). The reward is an 1-dimensional tensor. Note: All tensors have shape: (batch_size, fluent_shape). Args: input (tf.Tensor): The current MDP timestep. state (Sequence[tf.Tensor]): State fluents in canonical order. scope (Optional[str]): Scope for operations in graph. Returns: Tuple[CellOutput, CellState]: (output, next_state). ''' # action action = self._policy(state, input) # next state transition_scope = self._compiler._scope.transition(self._compiler.non_fluents, state, action) interm_fluents, next_state_fluents = self._compiler._compile_cpfs(transition_scope) next_state = tuple(self._tensors(next_state_fluents)) # reward transition_scope.update(next_state_fluents) reward = self._compiler._compile_reward(transition_scope) reward = self._output_size(reward.tensor) # outputs output_interm_state = self._output(interm_fluents) output_next_state = self._output(next_state_fluents) output_action = tuple(self._dtype(self._output_size(tensor)) for tensor in action) output = (output_next_state, output_action, output_interm_state, reward) return (output, next_state)
@classmethod def _sizes(cls, sizes: Sequence[Shape]) -> Sequence[Union[Shape, int]]: return tuple(sz if sz != () else (1,) for sz in sizes) @classmethod def _output_size(cls, tensor): if tensor.shape.ndims == 1: tensor = tf.expand_dims(tensor, -1) return tensor
[docs] @classmethod def _tensors(cls, fluents: Sequence[FluentPair]) -> Iterable[tf.Tensor]: '''Yields the `fluents`' tensors.''' for _, fluent in fluents: tensor = cls._output_size(fluent.tensor) yield tensor
[docs] @classmethod def _dtype(cls, tensor: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: '''Converts `tensor` to tf.float32 datatype if needed.''' if tensor.dtype != tf.float32: tensor = tf.cast(tensor, tf.float32) return tensor
[docs] @classmethod def _output(cls, fluents: Sequence[FluentPair]) -> Sequence[tf.Tensor]: '''Returns output tensors for `fluents`.''' return tuple(cls._dtype(t) for t in cls._tensors(fluents))
[docs]class PolicySimulator(object): '''Simulator class samples MDP trajectories in the computation graph. It implements the n-step MDP trajectory simulator using dynamic unrolling in a recurrent model. Its inputs are the MDP initial state and the number of timesteps in the horizon. Args: compiler (:obj:`rddl2tf.compiler.Compiler`): RDDL2TensorFlow compiler. policy (:obj:`tfrddlsim.policy.Policy`): MDP Policy. batch_size (int): The size of the simulation batch. ''' def __init__(self, compiler: Compiler, policy: Policy) -> None: self._cell = PolicySimulationCell(compiler, policy) self._non_fluents = [fluent.tensor for fluent in compiler.non_fluents] @property def graph(self): '''Returns the computation graph.''' return self._cell.graph @property def batch_size(self) -> int: '''Returns the size of the simulation batch.''' return self._cell._batch_size @property def input_size(self) -> int: '''Returns the simulation input size (e.g., timestep).''' return 1 @property def state_size(self) -> Sequence[Shape]: '''Returns the MDP state size.''' return self._cell.state_size @property def output_size(self) -> Tuple[Sequence[Shape], Sequence[Shape], Sequence[Shape], int]: '''Returns the simulation output size.''' return self._cell.output_size
[docs] def timesteps(self, horizon: int) -> tf.Tensor: '''Returns the input tensor for the given `horizon`.''' start, limit, delta = horizon - 1, -1, -1 timesteps_range = tf.range(start, limit, delta, dtype=tf.float32) timesteps_range = tf.expand_dims(timesteps_range, -1) batch_timesteps = tf.stack([timesteps_range] * self.batch_size) return batch_timesteps
[docs] def trajectory(self, horizon: int, initial_state: Optional[StateTensor] = None) -> TrajectoryOutput: '''Returns the ops for the trajectory generation with given `horizon` and `initial_state`. The simulation returns states, actions and interms as a sequence of tensors (i.e., all representations are factored). The reward is a batch sized tensor. The trajectoty output is a tuple: (initial_state, states, actions, interms, rewards). If initial state is None, use default compiler's initial state. Note: All tensors have shape: (batch_size, horizon, fluent_shape). Except initial state that has shape: (batch_size, fluent_shape). Args: horizon (int): The number of simulation timesteps. initial_state (Optional[Sequence[tf.Tensor]]): The initial state tensors. Returns: Tuple[StateTensor, StatesTensor, ActionsTensor, IntermsTensor, tf.Tensor]: Trajectory output tuple. ''' if initial_state is None: initial_state = self._cell.initial_state() with self.graph.as_default(): self.inputs = self.timesteps(horizon) outputs, _ = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn( self._cell, self.inputs, initial_state=initial_state, dtype=tf.float32, scope="trajectory") states, actions, interms, rewards = outputs # fluent types state_dtype = map(rddl2tf.utils.range_type_to_dtype, self._cell._compiler.rddl.state_range_type) states = self._output(states, state_dtype) interm_dtype = map(rddl2tf.utils.range_type_to_dtype, self._cell._compiler.rddl.interm_range_type) interms = self._output(interms, interm_dtype) action_dtype = map(rddl2tf.utils.range_type_to_dtype, self._cell._compiler.rddl.action_range_type) actions = self._output(actions, action_dtype) outputs = (initial_state, states, actions, interms, rewards) return outputs
[docs] def run(self, horizon: int, initial_state: Optional[StateTensor] = None) -> SimulationOutput: '''Builds the MDP graph and simulates in batch the trajectories with given `horizon`. Returns the non-fluents, states, actions, interms and rewards. Fluents and non-fluents are returned in factored form. Note: All output arrays have shape: (batch_size, horizon, fluent_shape). Except initial state that has shape: (batch_size, fluent_shape). Args: horizon (int): The number of timesteps in the simulation. initial_state (Optional[Sequence[tf.Tensor]]): The initial state tensors. Returns: Tuple[NonFluentsArray, StatesArray, ActionsArray, IntermsArray, np.array]: Simulation ouput tuple. ''' trajectory = self.trajectory(horizon, initial_state) with tf.compat.v1.Session(graph=self.graph) as sess: non_fluents = initial_state, states, actions, interms, rewards = # non-fluents non_fluent_ordering = self._cell._compiler.rddl.domain.non_fluent_ordering non_fluents = tuple(zip(non_fluent_ordering, non_fluents)) # states state_fluent_ordering = self._cell._compiler.rddl.domain.state_fluent_ordering states = tuple(zip(state_fluent_ordering, states)) # interms interm_fluent_ordering = self._cell._compiler.rddl.domain.interm_fluent_ordering interms = tuple(zip(interm_fluent_ordering, interms)) # actions action_fluent_ordering = self._cell._compiler.rddl.domain.action_fluent_ordering actions = tuple(zip(action_fluent_ordering, actions)) # rewards rewards = np.squeeze(rewards) outputs = (non_fluents, initial_state, states, actions, interms, rewards) return outputs
[docs] @classmethod def _output(cls, tensors: Sequence[tf.Tensor], dtypes: Sequence[tf.DType]) -> Sequence[tf.Tensor]: '''Converts `tensors` to the corresponding `dtypes`.''' outputs = [] for tensor, dtype in zip(tensors, dtypes): tensor = tensor[0] if tensor.dtype != dtype: tensor = tf.cast(tensor, dtype) outputs.append(tensor) return tuple(outputs)