Source code for tfrddlsim.viz.generic_visualizer

# This file is part of tf-rddlsim.

# tf-rddlsim is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# tf-rddlsim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with tf-rddlsim. If not, see <>.

from typing import List, Sequence, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np

from rddl2tf.compilers import Compiler
from tfrddlsim.viz.abstract_visualizer import Visualizer

Value = Union[bool, int, float, np.array]
NonFluents = Sequence[Tuple[str, Value]]
Fluents = Sequence[Tuple[str, np.array]]

[docs]class GenericVisualizer(Visualizer): '''GenericVisualizer is a generic text-based trajectory visualizer. Args: compiler (:obj:`rddl2tf.compiler.Compiler`): RDDL2TensorFlow compiler verbose (bool): Verbosity flag ''' def __init__(self, compiler: Compiler, verbose: bool) -> None: super().__init__(compiler, verbose)
[docs] def render(self, trajectories: Tuple[NonFluents, Fluents, Fluents, Fluents, np.array], batch: Optional[int] = None) -> None: '''Prints the simulated `trajectories`. Args: trajectories: NonFluents, states, actions, interms and rewards. batch: Number of batches to render. ''' self._render_trajectories(trajectories)
[docs] def _render_trajectories(self, trajectories: Tuple[NonFluents, Fluents, Fluents, Fluents, np.array]) -> None: '''Prints the first batch of simulated `trajectories`. Args: trajectories: NonFluents, states, actions, interms and rewards. ''' if self._verbose: non_fluents, initial_state, states, actions, interms, rewards = trajectories shape = states[0][1].shape batch_size, horizon, = shape[0], shape[1] states = [(s[0], s[1][0]) for s in states] interms = [(f[0], f[1][0]) for f in interms] actions = [(a[0], a[1][0]) for a in actions] rewards = np.reshape(rewards, [batch_size, horizon])[0] self._render_batch(non_fluents, states, actions, interms, rewards)
[docs] def _render_batch(self, non_fluents: NonFluents, states: Fluents, actions: Fluents, interms: Fluents, rewards: np.array, horizon: Optional[int] = None) -> None: '''Prints `non_fluents`, `states`, `actions`, `interms` and `rewards` for given `horizon`. Args: states (Sequence[Tuple[str, np.array]]): A state trajectory. actions (Sequence[Tuple[str, np.array]]): An action trajectory. interms (Sequence[Tuple[str, np.array]]): An interm state trajectory. rewards (np.array): Sequence of rewards (1-dimensional array). horizon (Optional[int]): Number of timesteps. ''' if horizon is None: horizon = len(states[0][1]) self._render_round_init(horizon, non_fluents) for t in range(horizon): s = [(s[0], s[1][t]) for s in states] f = [(f[0], f[1][t]) for f in interms] a = [(a[0], a[1][t]) for a in actions] r = rewards[t] self._render_timestep(t, s, a, f, r) self._render_round_end(rewards)
[docs] def _render_timestep(self, t: int, s: Fluents, a: Fluents, f: Fluents, r: np.float32) -> None: '''Prints fluents and rewards for the given timestep `t`. Args: t (int): timestep s (Sequence[Tuple[str], np.array]: State fluents. a (Sequence[Tuple[str], np.array]: Action fluents. f (Sequence[Tuple[str], np.array]: Interm state fluents. r (np.float32): Reward. ''' print("============================") print("TIME = {}".format(t)) print("============================") fluent_variables = self._compiler.rddl.action_fluent_variables self._render_fluent_timestep('action', a, fluent_variables) fluent_variables = self._compiler.rddl.interm_fluent_variables self._render_fluent_timestep('interms', f, fluent_variables) fluent_variables = self._compiler.rddl.state_fluent_variables self._render_fluent_timestep('states', s, fluent_variables) self._render_reward(r)
[docs] def _render_fluent_timestep(self, fluent_type: str, fluents: Sequence[Tuple[str, np.array]], fluent_variables: Sequence[Tuple[str, List[str]]]) -> None: '''Prints `fluents` of given `fluent_type` as list of instantiated variables with corresponding values. Args: fluent_type (str): Fluent type. fluents (Sequence[Tuple[str, np.array]]): List of pairs (fluent_name, fluent_values). fluent_variables (Sequence[Tuple[str, List[str]]]): List of pairs (fluent_name, args). ''' for fluent_pair, variable_list in zip(fluents, fluent_variables): name, fluent = fluent_pair _, variables = variable_list print(name) fluent = fluent.flatten() for variable, value in zip(variables, fluent): print('- {}: {} = {}'.format(fluent_type, variable, value)) print()
[docs] def _render_reward(self, r: np.float32) -> None: '''Prints reward `r`.''' print("reward = {:.4f}".format(float(r))) print()
[docs] def _render_round_init(self, horizon: int, non_fluents: NonFluents) -> None: '''Prints round init information about `horizon` and `non_fluents`.''' print('*********************************************************') print('>>> ROUND INIT, horizon = {}'.format(horizon)) print('*********************************************************') fluent_variables = self._compiler.rddl.non_fluent_variables self._render_fluent_timestep('non-fluents', non_fluents, fluent_variables)
[docs] def _render_round_end(self, rewards: np.array) -> None: '''Prints round end information about `rewards`.''' print("*********************************************************") print(">>> ROUND END") print("*********************************************************") total_reward = np.sum(rewards) print("==> Objective value = {}".format(total_reward)) print("==> rewards = {}".format(list(rewards))) print()